Saturday, July 29, 2017

Enjoying the rain

So I don't know about you but I love the rain. I also love the sunshine and probably would prefer the sun over the rain because I love sunny days. However when it does rain I actually enjoy it. I know that nature needs the rain and it helps things grow. The flowers need it, the grass needs it. The crops need the rain to bloom and to create a harvest.

As believers there are times when it rains in our life. We can call this the storm. It's raining, thundering and all you want to do it hide from it. Trust me I've been there. If you don't have an umbrella its almost impossible to walk outside and not get wet. If you don't have on proper shoes you might even get water inside of them. But what if I told you that just like the rain is meant in nature for things to grow it is also the same for believers. The rain is meant for you to grow. It's meant for you to overcome and get through somethings. Its meant to soil the ground so that the seeds that you have planted can create a harvest.

Rain helps things grow. Sometimes when you are going through it's because God wanted you to come through on the other side. At times God allows things to happen in order to help someone else overcome. That's why testimonies are so huge. There would not be a testimony without a test. God knows what he is doing. He makes everything, not just some things, not just little things but everything work together for our good to those who are called according to his purpose. I know at times the storms can hurt. I know the pain of a spouse cheating or your parents not loving you hurts. But God can take that hurt and mend it. He can give you a new heart if yours is broken. God is in the business of repairing brokenness and making it whole. Don't forsake God because you are walking through a raining season. God is in control. He has it all figured out. Sometimes it's not even about you. He knows that six months down the line there's going to be someone who does not have your strength on how to get through their test and storm. They're going to be looking for someone to help them, seeking someone who's been what they are going through and that person may just be you. I know it does not seem like it now but trust me you will get through the storm. You will grow from the rain. God is not done with you. We would not be able to grow if it was sun all the time. We need the season of rain.

Refuse to stay a victim and become the victor. The enemy would love for you not to grow so that it can hinder you. Don't let him! Choose to be an OVER COMER and enjoy the rain!

The Lord loves you and so do I!


Friday, July 28, 2017

So.. It's been a long time since I posted any blogs. Especially on this site. However that all changes now! I had a blog under kdawkins.blogspot but for some reason I'm not able to sign in! Oh well! I'll start a new one. God is so good and he has been on my heart to live on purpose and with purpose for him! To trust him in every season of my life. I want to share with you revelations that God reveals and make sure you are blessed and highly favored!

The other night I was laying in my bed and I realized that my phone battery was dying. I was super annoyed because I always do that! (Need to establish better habits) It was at 2% so I asked my husband to charge it for me. When he took the phone from me the Holy Spirit prompted me and reveled thats what we need as believers to be charged up. We need to make sure that we plug in to the Lord and that we get charged back up to do his will. How often do you plug your phone in? If you're like me it's daily otherwise I won't be able to use it the way I need to.What good would it be if I plugged it in to the charger but never plugged the charger into the power source. The word of God is our power source. We must stay plugged in to him.

What happens when your phone is at two-percent? We start doing things to save as much as we can. We turn it on low battery mode, turn it on Air plane mode. We do whatever we can to save it until we are able to plug it in to the power source. You can not be effective at two-percent your phone will not have optimal performance. It's the same as believers. We cannot operate at two-percent in God's kingdom.

 We need to connect to the power source. It does us no good walking around with a closed bible that's like walking around with your cell phone charger but it's not plugged in.

Most Christians get a recharge on Sunday when they go to church. So they get recharged to let's say fifty-percent. On Monday they don't consider the word, spending time with the Lord. Now you're down to thirty-percent and Saturday at five-percent. We cannot be effective in the kingdom if we think we only need to be charged in on Sunday.

The person that plugs in everyday that person gets recharged everyday. On purpose plug yourself in to the power source.  The person that plugs in daily doesn't go down to two-percent because they make every effort to stay above eighty and when they see it go down they search for a charger so they can plug in.
Stay connected. Jesus said I am the daily bread. Daily! Not every other day. Not only on Sundays. Not only when you feel like it.

If you are his disciple make a decision on purpose to live for him and to plug in and stay charged up!

What are some ways you stay charged in the Lord. Comment below!

Until next time,