This year has been a struggle, to say the least. I've been pushed and stretched during this season. I've allowed anxiety to overcome my mind and heart at times. I've felt like I was not enough, I've lost friendships that I thought would be forever. I thought that if I did not meet my plan or goals that I was not in right alignment and would somehow miss what God had for me. I struggled with depression and thoughts that were from the enemy.
I want to be transparent with whoever is reading this. Life will not always look perfect. You will have mountaintop moments and valley days. It's in those valley days that your character is developed. It's in those times that you draw closer to God. For a long time, I did not see the mountaintop moments. I tried my hardest to overcome the feeling of sadness I felt day in and day out. I convinced myself that I would be able to fake a smile and pretend that everything was all good. I was wrong. I would muster up enough strength to feed my kids but would rather lay in the bed all day. I felt like a failure like I had no worth. I knew this was a lie but the enemy had control of my thought life.
I did not realize how much anxiety I actually had in my heart which was causing my depression. Some of the causes:
I never fully grieved the lost of my Dad in 2016.
I never fully grieved my miscarriage in 2016.
I never dealt with my post-partum depression in 2017.
I quit my job of 9 years.
Became a Full-time stay-at-home mom of two babies under two.
I felt like this was the opportune time for the enemy to come in a wreck havoc in my life. I didn't realize that I was in a season of trust with the Lord. I could not find the joy in the little things in life. I was literally holding on by the grace of God. I did not realize that I was in a full-on depression until God brought me out and had me look back. I was in shock. How could I suffer from depression? I'm a Christian. I have a hope that the world does not have.
I want you to realize that we are all human. We all have "life" happen to us. Sometimes believers in Christ experience worse things at times because of the hope that is within us. The enemy wants those who believe in Jesus to be bogged down with depression. If we are focused on that then we don't have time to tell others about Jesus.
I don't know what you are facing or what you are going through. I don't know what has happened in your past or present, but I want you to know that we serve a God who cares.
It may not seem like it. It may seem like you are all alone or don't have hope or don't know how to overcome. I want to encourage you and let you know that it's going to be okay. You are going to be okay.
God is for you not against you. I've learned that in this life there are going to be things that trouble us, upset us, delay us and try to harm us. God's protection is greater than you can imagine. He knows where you are weak and he comes along and provides strength.
If you find yourself in a season where you feel downcast or burdened turn to Jesus. Don't push him away. Don't allow the enemy to creep in. Don't allow him to magnify your problems as if you don't have a solution.
Allow God to use your current season to develop your character. Also, let the Word of God be louder than the voice in your head. Speak his word over your life at every turn.
If you are dealing with anxiety find scriptures to help combat this. Do the work! Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you.
If you are dealing with any type of grief seek Godly counsel. Find friends, local church and surround yourself with a community who loves you.
Don't be afraid to speak out and tell someone what you are going through. We are not supposed to do life alone.
I want you to know that you are important your life has value and you were made to do great things!!
With Love,